A signed coin vanishes and appears in a Russian Doll. Perhaps not an inspiring description but this is a great story routine by Craig Petty with a very strong vanish and reappearance of a coin selected by your volunteer. The product was originally known as Where my Caravan has Nested and was put out by Taurus Magic. This current incarnation comes about with kind permission of Derek Lever. Superbly made in wood with complete routine.
Originally produced by Taurus Magic, based on a trick published in Abracadabra Magazine. You get a freestanding cut out of a traditional horse-drawn caravan with what appears to be an old lady standing in the window. This is actually a Russian Doll. With a story to accompany it you, then vanish a coin from under a handkerchief, the coin can be marked by the helper. Then you take the doll out of the caravan and take it apart, and in the innermost doll is the vanished coin
*Please not this prop is made to order
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