Some years ago we bought the rights to Ron Gilbert’s Magic Birthday Card Printing, a great although simple effect which leaves the birthday child with a special card from you also mentioning your contact details.Time and again those who used these cards found that they were kept for many years. Ron developed the effect a long time ago and we thought it was time to update the prop generally without altering the basic effect. We have now made the Printing Frame in plastic instead of the original cardboard and all of the picture cards have been converted into full colour. The new birthday card has been designed for us by John Price and we feel surethis is going to be very popular and those who have used the effect in the past will approve of the new version. For those not familiar with the effect:The children choose words and pictures from a selection shown to them, to design the birthday person’s card. Lots of fun and participation when the printed giant card some 12 inch tall appears in a special PRINTING WORKS frame. Birthday child keeps the card, it’s great publicity. Self working and it comes complete with super routine and 25 cards. An Albion exclusive. Cost: £60.00 with 25 birthday cards
Magic Birthday Card