Terms & Conditions
Ordering Information
To order products from The Albion Magic Company, simply use the shopping cart or if in a section where it is not available, simply email, fax or telephone your requirements. Payments by all major credit and debit cards are accepted. Please include full card number and issue number where appropriate, expiry date and the name as it appears on the card, and the full postal address of the card holder. Also include the last 3 digits of the security code which is the small number printed across the signature strip on the reverse of the card. Please tell us where you want the order shipped to (usually this will be the credit card holders address). Credit card orders are accepted on orders of £15.00 and over only.
Postage and packaging costs
Postage on all items is added on by the shopping cart.
Small and lighter weight items will be sent by 1st class post. Larger items will be sent by parcel post or carrier.
For overseas deliveries the cost of airmail shipping will be added by the shopping cart.
Up to £20.00 = £2.50
£20.01 to £30.00 = £3.50
£30.01 to £40.00 = £4.50
£40.01 to £50.00 = £5.50
£50.01 to £60.00 = £6.50
£60.01 and over = £7.50
Postal charges will be reduced if products ordered are very light (e.g. silks or packet tricks).
We accept the following:
Personal Cheque , Mastercard, Visa, Switch, Maestro, PayPal.
NB Cash sent through the post should be registered for your own safety.
Delivery Time
Our aim is to supply items by return but if there is to be a delay we will contact you and give you an opportunity to modify or cancel your order.